"Move Better" Series: Exercises To Improve Hamstring Flexibility And Core Strength

Yesterday’s “Move Better” series presented the active straight leg raise test, a test that helps examine hamstring flexibility and core control.  This blog post will present exercises to improve hamstring muscle flexibility as well as exercises to improve core strength.   


Hamstring muscle flexibility is important for activities like running and forward bending, as well as sport specific movements like kicking a soccer ball or throwing a fastball.  In some individuals, impaired hamstring flexibility may be a possible contributing factor to low back pain and injury.  Poor hamstring flexibility may alter the movement of the pelvis and lumbar spine during these daily and sport activities.  

Impairments in hamstring muscle flexibility can be improved through static and dynamic stretching as well as eccentric loading exercises.  The video below demonstrates several types of hamstring mobility exercises that can be used to improve hamstring flexibility:


In addition to hamstring flexibility, the Active Straight Leg Raise test also requires strength and stability through the core and pelvis.  During the test, lower abdominal strength and hip strength are required to slowly raise one leg while keeping the other leg in a fixed position.  

Similar to hamstring tightness, impairments in core strength and pelvic control with movement may increase someone’s risk of low back pain and injury.  The video below includes progressions of lower abdominal strengthening exercises performed in the supine position.  An appropriate progression should be selected that is an appropriate challenge and is pain-free. 

Questions? Contact Sean Tyler, DPT at sean@salmonbaypt.com.